Add Liquidity/Create Farm

1. Add Liquidity

Entrance: Pools——Swap Liquidity—— 【Add Liquidity】

Click the [Add Liquidity] button to open the pop-up window for creating liquidity as follows:

  1. Select TokenA to add

  2. Select TokenB to add

  3. If not approved, you need to approve the token, if approved, just click [Supply];

  4. View your position information

  5. If you are the founder of liquidity, you need to set the exchange rate between TokenA/B, if not the founder, you can add liquidity according to the existing exchange rate;

  6. After the liquidity is created, you can view it in the Pools-AMM Liquidity page, as shown below

  7. If your token is not in the tokenlist, please apply to list your token at the bottom of the page

Turn on the My Position switch to filter out the Pools you created.

2.Create Farm

Entrance: Pools——Farm——【Create Farm】

Click the [Create Farm] button to open the Create Farm pop-up window as shown below:

1. Pull down and select the pool where you want to create the Farm

2. Select the Incentive token to be added to this pool, multiple selections are supported

3. Click Create Farm, confirm the signature in the wallet to pay the creation fees, and the farm can be successfully created

4. The successfully created farm can be viewed in the list, as shown below

3.Add Incentive

Entrance:Farm——【Add Incentive】

Click [Add Incentive] to enter the Add Incentive page, as shown below

1. Select the pool to which you want to add the Incentive

2. Select the token to pay the Incentive. All tokens that can be selected are OK

3. Approve the token

4. Execute the [Add Incentive] operation. After signing and confirming in the wallet, the reward will be added to this pool. You can see the specific reward in Swap Liquidity, as shown below:


To obtain rewards in Farm, you must stake the LP Tokens held in the pool to Farm.

Entrance: Farm——Stake

Click [Stake] to enter the staking page, as shown below

1. Enter the number of LP Tokens to be staked

2. After approving the LP Token, execute the [Stake] operation. After completion, you can continue to receive rewards in the Farm, as shown in the figure below

You can choose to claim rewards from only one pool, or you can choose Claim All to claim rewards from all pools. Rewards can be claimed at any time.

Last updated